getResponsiveInformation function

ResponsiveInformation getResponsiveInformation({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. Size? localSize,
  3. ScreenBreakpoints? localBreakpoints,

Util to get the responsive information.

context it is BuildContext of the widget.

localSize is the value gets from constrains.

localBreakpoints are the local breakpoints for the widget.


ResponsiveInformation getResponsiveInformation({
  required BuildContext context,
  Size? localSize,
  ScreenBreakpoints? localBreakpoints,
}) {
  final rw = ResponsiveWrapper.getWrapperConfig(context);
  final breakpoints = getCurrentBreakPoints(
    global: rw.globalBreakpoints,
    local: localBreakpoints,

  final mp = MediaQuery.of(context);
  final deviceWith = rw.getDeviceWidth(mp.size);
  final deviceScreen = DeviceScreenX.fromBreakpoint(deviceWith, breakpoints);

  return ResponsiveInformation(
    deviceScreen: deviceScreen,
    screenSize: mp.size,
    localSize: localSize ?? mp.size,
    currentBreakpoints: breakpoints,
    orientation: mp.orientation,