valueFromConditionByScreen<T> function

T valueFromConditionByScreen<T>({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required ConditionScreen<T> condition,
  3. ScreenBreakpoints? localBreakpoints,
  4. required T defaultValue,

{@template get_conditions_screen}

The goal is to obtain the actual value for the conditions by screen.

context it is BuildContext of the app or the widget.

localBreakpoints are the local breakpoints for the widget.

condition the list of conditions to evaluate.

defaultValue Default value in case your list of conditions doesn't return anything.

First point is to find wich are the actual breakpoints between localBreakpoints, GlobalBreakpoints or DefaultBreakpoints using getCurrentBreakPoints

Then the method will compare the actual Size with the breakpoints to get theDeviceScreen Finally the method gets the value for condition

{@endtemplate }


T valueFromConditionByScreen<T>({
  required BuildContext context,
  required ConditionScreen<T> condition,
  ScreenBreakpoints? localBreakpoints,
  required T defaultValue,
}) {
  final rw = ResponsiveWrapper.getWrapperConfig(context);
  final breakpoints = getCurrentBreakPoints(
    global: rw.globalBreakpoints,
    local: localBreakpoints,

  final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
  final deviceWith = rw.getDeviceWidth(size);
  final deviceScreenType = DeviceScreenX.fromBreakpoint(deviceWith, breakpoints);

  return deviceScreenType.getScreenValue(condition) ?? defaultValue;