Buffered file reader reduces file system disk access by reading in
buffers of the file so that individual file reads
can be read from the cached buffer.
Decompress data with the gzip format decoder.
The actual decoder used will depend on the platform the code is run on.
In a 'dart:io' based platform, like Flutter, the native GZipCodec will
be used to improve performance. On web platforms, a Dart implementation
of ZLib will be used, via the Inflate class.
If you want to force the use of the Dart implementation, you can use the
GZipDecoderWeb class.
Compress data with the GZip format encoder.
The actual encoder used will depend on the platform the code is run on.
In a 'dart:io' based platform, like Flutter, the native GZipCodec will
be used to improve performance. On web platforms, a Dart implementation
of ZLib will be used, via the Deflate class.
If you want to force the use of the Dart implementation, you can use the
GZipEncoderWeb class.
Dart implementation of the ZLib inflate decompression algorithm,
used by ZLibEncoder and GZipEncoder. This is used to decompress
data that was previously compressed by the Deflate algorithm.
Decompress data with the zlib format decoder.
The actual decoder used will depend on the platform the code is run on.
In a 'dart:io' based platform, like Flutter, the native ZLibCodec will
be used to improve performance. On web platforms, a Dart implementation
of ZLib will be used, via the Inflate class.
If you want to force the use of the Dart implementation, you can use the
ZLibDecoderWeb class.
Compress data with the zlib format encoder.
The actual encoder used will depend on the platform the code is run on.
In a 'dart:io' based platform, like Flutter, the native ZLibCodec will
be used to improve performance. On web platforms, a Dart implementation
of ZLib will be used, via the Deflate class.
If you want to force the use of the Dart implementation, you can use the
ZLibEncoderWeb class.