argParser top-level property

ArgParser argParser


final argParser = ArgParser()
    abbr: 'h',
    help: 'Show help message.',
    defaultsTo: false,
    abbr: 'f',
    help: 'Print after every parsed file',
    defaultsTo: false,
    abbr: 'c',
    help: 'Print all project classes',
    defaultsTo: false,
    abbr: 'e',
    help: 'Print all architecture errors from project classes',
    defaultsTo: true,
    help: 'Path to directory with pubspec.yaml and lib directory',
    valueHelp: 'DIRECTORY',
    defaultsTo: '.',
    help: "Architecure configuration yaml file's name",
    valueHelp: 'FILE',
    defaultsTo: 'architecture.yaml',