MessagingService class

Mixed in types


MessagingService({bool logsActivation = true})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
logsActivation bool
logsActivation manage log activation
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


buildMessage({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required String messageContent, required String senderAddress, required String senderServiceName, required KeyPair senderKeyPair}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Transaction transaction})>
Build a message @param{Keychain} keychain used to send transaction to BC @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{String} Smart contract's address @param{String} Content of the message (no encrypt) @param{String} Address of the member who want to send message @param{String} Service name in the current keychain (= sender) @param{KeyPair} Keypair of the sender
buildMessageSendTransaction({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required String messageContent, required String senderAddress, required String senderServiceName, required KeyPair senderKeyPair}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Transaction transaction})>
createDiscussion({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required List<String> membersPubKey, required String discussionName, required List<String> adminsPubKey, required String adminAddress, required String serviceName}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Transaction transaction})>
Create a new discussion @param{Keychain} keychain used to send transaction to BC @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{List
createTransactionSC({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required List<String> membersPubKey, required String discussionName, required List<String> adminsPubKey, required String adminAddress, required String serviceName, int indexSCTransaction = 0}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Transaction transaction})>
getDiscussion({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair keyPair}) Future<AEDiscussion?>
Get a discussion from an address @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{String} Smart contract's address @param{KeyPair} Keypair of the requester to check if discussion's content can be decrypted
getDiscussionFromSCAddress({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair keyPair}) Future<AEDiscussion?>
getDiscussionKeyAccess({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair keyPair}) Future<Uint8List>
This method get the AES Key used to encrypt and decrypt informations in the discussion (messages, discussion's properties)
getDiscussionLastProperties({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair readerKeyPair}) Future<String>
Get the last properties of a discussion @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{String} Smart contract's address @param{KeyPair} Keypair of the requester to check if discussion's properties can be decrypted
getSCDiscussionLastContent({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair readerKeyPair}) Future<String>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
read({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair readerKeyPair, int limit = 0, int pagingOffset = 0}) Future<List<AEMessage>>
readMessages({required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair readerKeyPair, int limit = 0, int pagingOffset = 0}) Future<List<AEMessage>>
Read messages in existing discussion @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{String} Smart contract's address @param{KeyPair} Keypair of the reader @param{limit} @param{pagingOffset}
send({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required String messageContent, required String senderAddress, required String senderServiceName, required KeyPair senderKeyPair}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Address transactionAddress})>
sendMessage({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required String messageContent, required String senderAddress, required String senderServiceName, required KeyPair senderKeyPair}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Address transactionAddress})>
Send messages in existing discussion @param{Keychain} keychain used to send transaction to BC @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{String} Smart contract's address @param{String} Content of the message (no encrypt) @param{String} Address of the member who want to send message @param{String} Service name in the current keychain (= sender) @param{KeyPair} Keypair of the sender
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateDiscussion({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required String discussionSCAddress, required List<String> membersPubKey, required String discussionName, required List<String> adminsPubKey, required String adminAddress, required String serviceName, required KeyPair adminKeyPair, bool updateSCAESKey = false}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Transaction transaction})>
Update an existing discussion @param{Keychain} keychain used to send transaction to BC @param{ApiService} API with blockchain @param{String} Smart contract's address @param{List
updateTransactionSC({required Keychain keychain, required ApiService apiService, required String discussionName, required List<String> adminsPubKey, required List<String> membersPubKey, required String adminAddress, required String serviceName, required String discussionSCAddress, required KeyPair adminKeyPair, bool updateSCAESKey = false}) Future<({KeyPair previousKeyPair, Transaction transaction})>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.