ValidationStamp constructor

const ValidationStamp({
  1. LedgerOperations? ledgerOperations,
  2. String? proofOfIntegrity,
  3. String? proofOfWork,
  4. String? signature,
  5. int? timestamp,
  6. int? protocolVersion,


const factory ValidationStamp({
  /// Ledger operations: All the operations performed by the transaction
  LedgerOperations? ledgerOperations,

  /// Proof of integrity: Hash of the previous proof of integrity and the transaction
  String? proofOfIntegrity,

  /// Proof of work: Public key matching the origin signature
  String? proofOfWork,

  /// Signature: Coordinator signature of the stamp
  String? signature,

  /// Timestamp
  int? timestamp,

  /// Protocol version: Version of the transaction validation protocol
  int? protocolVersion,
}) = _ValidationStamp;