Data constructor

const Data({
  1. String? code,
  2. String? content,
  3. @Default([]) List<Ownership> ownerships,
  4. Ledger? ledger,
  5. @Default([]) List<String> recipients,
  6. @Default([]) List<Recipient> actionRecipients,


const factory Data({
  /// Code: smart contract code (hexadecimal),
  String? code,

  /// Content: free zone for data hosting (string or hexadecimal)
  String? content,

  /// Ownership: authorization/delegations containing list of secrets and their authorized public keys to proof the ownership
  @Default([]) final List<Ownership> ownerships,

  /// Ledger: asset transfers
  Ledger? ledger,

  /// Recipients: For non asset transfers, the list of recipients of the transaction (e.g Smart contract interactions)
  @Default([]) final List<String> recipients,

  /// Recipients: For non asset transfers, the list of recipients of the transaction (e.g Smart contract interactions)
  @Default([]) final List<Recipient> actionRecipients,
}) = _Data;