getTransactionChain method

Future<Map<String, List<Transaction>>> getTransactionChain(
  1. Map<String, String> addresses, {
  2. String request = Transaction.kTransactionQueryAllFields,

Query the network to find transaction chains from a map of addresses and pagingAddress Returns the content scalar type represents transaction content List<Transaction>. Depending if the content can displayed it will be rendered as plain text otherwise in hexadecimal


Future<Map<String, List<Transaction>>> getTransactionChain(
  Map<String, String> addresses, {
  String request = Transaction.kTransactionQueryAllFields,
}) async {
  if (addresses.isEmpty) {
    return {};

  final fragment = 'fragment fields on Transaction { $request }';
  final body = StringBuffer()..write('query { ');
  // TODO(reddwarf03): Not good the '_' system to define alias but address format is not accepted by graphQL
  addresses.forEach((key, value) {
    body.write(' _$key: transactionChain(address:"$key" ');
    if (value.isNotEmpty) {
      body.write(' pagingAddress:"$value"');

    body.write(') { ...fields }');
  body.write('} $fragment');

  final result = await _client.withLogger('getTransactionChain').query(
          document: gql(body.toString()),
          parserFn: (object) {
            final transactions = object.mapValues(
              (transactions) => (transactions as List<dynamic>)
                    (transaction) => Transaction.fromJson(
                      transaction as Map<String, dynamic>,
              keysToIgnore: _responseKeysToIgnore,
            return removeAliasPrefix<List<Transaction>>(transactions) ?? {};

  if (result.exception?.linkException != null) {
    throw ArchethicConnectionException(

  return result.parsedData ?? {};