getTransactionChain method

Future<List<Transaction>> getTransactionChain(
  1. String address,
  2. int page

Query the network to find a transaction chain @param {String} The address scalar type represents a cryptographic hash used in the ArchEthic network with an identification byte to specify from which algorithm the hash was generated. The Hash appears in a JSON response as Base16 formatted string. The parsed hash will be converted to a binary and any invalid hash with an invalid algorithm or invalid size will be rejected @param {int} The page Returns the content scalar type represents transaction content List<Transaction>. Depending if the content can displayed it will be rendered as plain text otherwise in hexadecimal


Future<List<Transaction>> getTransactionChain(
    String address, int page) async {
  final Completer<List<Transaction>> _completer =
  TransactionChainResponse? transactionChainResponse =
  List<Transaction> transactionChain =
      List<Transaction>.empty(growable: true);
  final Map<String, String> requestHeaders = {
    'Content-type': 'application/json',
    'Accept': 'application/json',

  final String _body =
      '{"query":"query { transactionChain(address: \\"$address\\", page: $page) { ' +
          Transaction.getQLFields() +
          ' } }"}';
  logger.d('getTransactionChain: requestHttp.body=' + _body);

  try {
    final http.Response responseHttp = await
        Uri.parse(endpoint! + '/api'),
        body: _body,
        headers: requestHeaders);
    logger.d('getTransactionChain: responseHttp.body=' + responseHttp.body);

    if (responseHttp.statusCode == 200) {
      transactionChainResponse =
      if ( != null) {
        transactionChain =!.transactionChain!;
  } catch (e) {
    logger.d('getTransactionChain: error=' + e.toString());

  return _completer.future;