parseExcel function
Reads Excel sheet.
Uses arb_sheet -n path/to/file
to create a translation file
from the template.
Translation parseExcel({
required String filename,
required String sheetname,
required String placeholderSheetname,
int headerRow = _kRowHeader,
int valueRow = _kRowValue,
}) {
final Uint8List buf = File(filename).readAsBytesSync();
final Excel excel = Excel.decodeBytes(buf);
final Sheet? sheet = excel.sheets[sheetname];
if (sheet == null) {
return const Translation();
final List<ARBItem> items = <ARBItem>[];
final List<List<Data?>> sheetRows = sheet.rows;
final List<Data?> columns = sheetRows[headerRow];
for (int i = valueRow; i < sheetRows.length; i++) {
final List<Data?> row = sheetRows[i];
final String name = row[_kColName]?.value?.toString() ?? '';
if (name.trim().isEmpty) continue;
final String? description = row[_kColDescription]?.value?.toString();
final String? placeholders = row[_kColPlaceholders]?.value?.toString();
final Map<String, String> translations = <String, String>{};
final ARBItem item = ARBItem(
name: name,
description: description,
placeholders: placeholders,
translations: translations,
for (int i = _kColValue; i < sheet.maxCols; i++) {
final String lang = columns[i]?.value?.toString() ?? '';
translations[lang] = row[i]?.value?.toString() ?? '';
final List<String> languages = columns
.where((Data? e) => e != null && e.colIndex >= _kColValue)
.map<String>((Data? e) => e?.value?.toString() ?? '')
final PredefinedPlaceholderTable table = getPredefinedPlaceholders(
placeholderSheetname: placeholderSheetname,
excel: excel,
return Translation(
languages: languages,
items: items,
predefinedPlaceholderTable: table,