sortARB function

String sortARB(
  1. String arbContents, {
  2. int compareFunction(
    1. String,
    2. String
  3. bool caseInsensitive = false,
  4. bool naturalOrdering = false,
  5. bool descendingOrdering = false,

Sorts the .arb formatted String arbContents in alphabetical order of the keys, with the @key portion added below it's respective key Optionally you can provide a compareFunction for customizing the sorting. For simplicity sake there are common sorting features you can use when not defining the former parameter


String sortARB(String arbContents,
    {int Function(String, String)? compareFunction,
    bool caseInsensitive = false,
    bool naturalOrdering = false,
    bool descendingOrdering = false}) {
  compareFunction ??= (a, b) =>
      _commonSorts(a, b, caseInsensitive, naturalOrdering, descendingOrdering);

  final sorted = <String, dynamic>{};
  final Map<String, dynamic> contents = json.decode(arbContents);

  final keys = contents.keys.where((key) => !key.startsWith('@')).toList()

  // Add at the beginning the [Global Attributes] of the .arb original file, if any
  // [link]:
  contents.keys.where((key) => key.startsWith('@@')).toList()
    ..forEach((key) {
      sorted[key] = contents[key];
  for (final key in keys) {
    sorted[key] = contents[key];
    if (contents.containsKey('@$key')) {
      sorted['@$key'] = contents['@$key'];

  final encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');
  return encoder.convert(sorted);