processNewKeys function

String processNewKeys(
  1. String mainARB,
  2. String oldARBversion

Processes the new/edited keys of the mainARB input (which should be the .arb used to add new keys in the developed app) comparing it with the .arb formatted oldARBversion and produces a .arb containing them as the output


String processNewKeys(String mainARB, String oldARBversion) {
  Map<String, dynamic> newARB = json.decode(mainARB),
      oldARB = json.decode(oldARBversion),
      ret = {};

  void addKey(String key) {
    String mainKey, propertiesKey;
    if (key.startsWith('@')) {
      mainKey = key.substring(1);
      propertiesKey = key;
    } else {
      mainKey = key;
      propertiesKey = '@$key';
    ret[mainKey] = newARB[mainKey];
    ret[propertiesKey] = newARB[propertiesKey];

  for (var key in newARB.keys) {
    var value = newARB[key];
    if (!oldARB.keys.contains(key)) {
    } else if (value is String) {
      if (value != oldARB[key]) {

  return json.encode(ret);