create method

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> create(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> map,
  2. DbPrincipal principal, {
  3. CreatePolicy? createPolicy,
  4. RepositoryTransaction? transaction,

Inserts the map as a new entity in the database collection.

This method expects a principal parameter, which identifies the user performing the request. Implementations may add metadata to the entity based on that principal, like for instance a key identifying a tenant and logging.

If a non-empty value is passed to the permission parameter, the implementation of this method is expected to validate if the user represented by the principal does have the permission before actually inserting the entity. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

It is possible that the database engine makes changes to the inserted entity, like for instance adding an automatically incremented key (primary key) to the entity.

Implementations of this method are required to return the updated entity.


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> create(
  Map<String, dynamic> map,
  DbPrincipal principal, {
  CreatePolicy? createPolicy,
  RepositoryTransaction? transaction,
}) async {
  if (map.containsKey('_key') && (map['_key'] ?? '') == '') {

  createPolicy ??= this.createPolicy;
  handleMetaForCreate(map, principal, createPolicy);
  if (!createPolicy.isAuthorized(principal)) {
    throw Unauthorized();

  final trx = _getDriverTransaction(transaction);
  try {
    final docResult = await db.createDocument(
      transaction: trx,

    final key = docResult.identifier.key;
    map = (await db.getDocumentByKey(
      transaction: trx,
    return map;
  } on DbError catch (error) {
    throw error.toDbException();