Arabic Roman Conv (WIP)


a flexible, easy-to-use Flutter package that provides tools for the conversion of Arabic names and phrases to their Romanized (English) counterparts.

Installation 💻

Add arabic_roman_conv to your pubspec.yaml:

  arabic_roman_conv: 0.1.0-dev.2

Install it:

flutter pub get

Usage 📖

Importing the package

import 'package:arabic_roman_conv/arabic_roman_conv.dart';

Converting a word

final word = 'سيف';
final romanizedWord = ArabicRomanConv.romanized(word);

print(romanizedWord); // Saif

Converting a sentence

final sentence = 'سيف الدين';
final romanizedSentence = ArabicRomanConv.romanized(sentence);

print(romanizedSentence); // Saif Aldeen

Motivation 🤔

I wanted to create a package that provides tools for the conversion of Arabic names and phrases to their Romanized (English) counterparts. I also wanted to make sure that the package is flexible and easy to use.

This package inspired by arabic-names-to-en.

Roadmap 🗺

  • x convert a word to exact romanization (e.g. "سيف" -> "Saif")
  • x convert a sentencte to exact romanization (e.g. "سيف الدين" -> "Saif Aldeen")

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Features and bugs 🐛

Please file feature requests and bugs at the tracker.


Why is the package name arabic_roman_conv and not a different name?

I wanted to keep the package name short and simple. I also wanted to avoid using the word "romanization" because it's not a very common word and it might be hard for some people to understand what the package does just by looking at its name.


a flexible, easy-to-use Flutter package that provides tools for the conversion of Arabic names and phrases to their Romanized (English) counterparts.