stopChannelMediaRelay method
Stops the media stream relay.
Once the relay stops, the broadcaster quits all the destination channels.
After a successful method call, the SDK triggers the RtcEngineEventHandler.channelMediaRelayStateChanged callback. If the callback returns ChannelMediaRelayState.Idle and ChannelMediaRelayError.None, the ClientRole.Broadcaster successfully stops the relay.
- If the method call fails, the SDK triggers the RtcEngineEventHandler.channelMediaRelayStateChanged callback with the ChannelMediaRelayError.ServerNoResponse or ChannelMediaRelayError.ServerConnectionLost state code. You can leave the channel by calling the RtcEngine.leaveChannel method, and the media stream relay automatically stops.
Future<void> stopChannelMediaRelay() {
return _invokeMethod('stopChannelMediaRelay');