setLiveTranscoding method

  1. @override
Future<void> setLiveTranscoding(
  1. LiveTranscoding transcoding

Sets the video layout and audio settings for CDN live.

The SDK triggers the RtcEngineEventHandler.transcodingUpdated callback when you call this method to update the LiveTranscoding class. If you call this method to set the LiveTranscoding class for the first time, the SDK does not trigger the RtcEngineEventHandler.transcodingUpdated callback.


  • Before calling the methods listed in this section:

Parameter transcoding Sets the CDN live audio/video transcoding settings. See LiveTranscoding.


Future<void> setLiveTranscoding(LiveTranscoding transcoding) {
  return _invokeMethod(
      'setLiveTranscoding', {'transcoding': transcoding.toJson()});