IndexerClient class

Provides methods for retrieving data from Aptos Indexer. For more detailed Queries specification see


IndexerClient(String endpoint, {GraphQLCache? cache})


client ↔ GraphQLClient
endpoint String
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getAccountCoinActivity({required String accountAddress, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<CoinActivity>>
Queries an account coin activity
getAccountCoinsData({required String ownerAddress, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<CoinBalance>>
getAccountNFTs({required String ownerAddress, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<AccountNFT>>
getAccountSpecifiedCoinActivity({required String coinType, required String accountAddress, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<CoinActivity>>
Queries an account specified coin activity
getAccountTokensCount(String ownerAddress) Future
Gets the count of tokens owned by an account
getAccountTransactionsCount(String accountAddress) Future
Gets the count of transactions submitted by an account
getAccountTransactionsData({required String accountAddress, int? offset, int? limit}) Future
Queries an account transactions data
getCoinInfo({required String coinType}) Future<CoinInfo>
getCurrentDelegatorBalancesCount(String poolAddress) Future
Queries current delegator balances count
getCurrentTokenPendingClaims({required String ownerAddress, int? offset, int? limit}) Future<List<CurrentTokenPending>>
getDelegatedStakingActivities({required String delegatorAddress, required String poolAddress}) Future
Queries delegated staking activities
getIndexerLedgerInfo() Future
getTokenActivities({required String idHash, int? offset, int? limit}) Future
getTokenActivitiesCount(String tokenId) Future
Gets the count of token's activities
getTokenData(String tokenId, {TokenStandard? tokenStandard}) Future<List<CurrentTokenData>>
Queries token data Queries token data by tokenId
getTokenOwnersData(String tokenId, int propertyVersion) Future
Queries token owners data
getTopUserTransactions(int limit) Future
Queries top user transactions
getUserTransactions({int? startVersion, int? offset, int? limit}) Future
Queries user transactions
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
queryIndexer({required dynamic document, Map<String, dynamic> variables = const {}}) Future
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

validateAddress(String address) → void
Indexer only accepts address in the long format, i.e a 66 chars long -> 0x<64 chars>