submitForm method

Future<void> submitForm()

Submits the currentData if not already submitting


Future<void> submitForm() async {
  final link = _formData?.links[ApptiveLinkType.submit];
  if (link != null) {
    setState(() {
      _submitting = true;
    const doneAttachmentPercentage = 0.6;
    const uploadFormPercentage = 0.8;
    const startPercentage = 0.1;
    final attachmentsToUpload = _formData!.attachmentActions.length;
    int attachmentCount = 0;
    setState(() {
      _progress = UploadingAttachmentsProgress(
        processedAttachments: attachmentCount,
        totalAttachments: attachmentsToUpload,
        progress: startPercentage,
    _submitProgressSubscription =
        _client.submitFormWithProgress(link, _formData!).listen(
      (event) async {
        if (event is ProcessedAttachmentProgressEvent) {
          setState(() {
            _progress = UploadingAttachmentsProgress(
              processedAttachments: ++attachmentCount,
              totalAttachments: attachmentsToUpload,
              progress: startPercentage +
                  (attachmentCount *
                      (doneAttachmentPercentage - startPercentage) /
        } else if (event is AttachmentCompleteProgressEvent) {
          final response = event.response;
          if (response != null && response.statusCode >= 400) {
        } else if (event is UploadFormProgressEvent) {
          setState(() {
            _progress = SubmittingFormProgress(
              progress: uploadFormPercentage,
        } else if (event is SubmitCompleteProgressEvent) {
          final response = event.response;
          if (response != null && response.statusCode < 400) {
            final createdUri = _parseCreatedBody(response: response);
            if (createdUri != null) {
            if (await widget.onActionSuccess?.call(link, _formData!) !=
                false) {
              if (_formData?.properties?.reloadAfterSubmit == true) {
              } else {
                setState(() {
                  _success = true;
          } else {
            // FormData was saved to [ApptiveGridCache]
        } else if (event is ErrorProgressEvent) {
      onError: (error) {
      onDone: () {
        setState(() {
          _submitting = false;