submitForm method

Future<Response?> submitForm(
  1. ApptiveLink link,
  2. FormData formData, {
  3. bool saveToPendingItems = true,
  4. Map<String, String> headers = const {},

Submits formData against link

headers will be added in addition to ApptiveGridClient.defaultHeaders

if this returns a http.Response with a http.Response.statusCode >= 400 it means that the Item was saved in options.cache throws Response if the request fails


Future<http.Response?> submitForm(
  ApptiveLink link,
  FormData formData, {
  bool saveToPendingItems = true,
  Map<String, String> headers = const {},
}) async {
  final eventWithResponse = await submitFormWithProgress(
    saveToPendingItems: false, // Saving is handled below
    headers: headers,
    (element) =>
        element is SubmitCompleteProgressEvent ||
        element is ErrorProgressEvent,
      .catchError((error) {
    throw error;

  if (eventWithResponse is SubmitCompleteProgressEvent) {
    return eventWithResponse.response;
  } else if (eventWithResponse is ErrorProgressEvent) {
    final error = eventWithResponse.error;
    return _handleActionError(
      actionItem: ActionItem(link: link, data: formData),
      saveToPendingItems: saveToPendingItems,
  } else {
    return null;