getInAppUpdateData method

Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getInAppUpdateData()

To construct a custom user interface for In-App Update, @return Map<String, dynamic>? representing In-App Update values This method returns three types of responses: 1. Normal update data, 2. Non-Supported OS popup data and 3. null. You can determine the response type based on the value of the 'category' string, where 1 represents Normal update data and 2 represents Non-Supported OS popup data.

Below are the keys you can use to construct your custom UI.

For Custom Alerts data (Normal update): 'updateid': The ID corresponding to a specific update configuration. 'currentversion': The version of the app installed on the device. 'featureTitle': The title or heading for the version alert. 'features': Update features or what's new. 'remindMeLaterText': Localized text for the "Remind Me Later" action. 'updateNowText': Localized text for the "Update" action. 'neverAgainText': Localized text for the "Ignore" action. The 'option' key determines the type of UI selected for this update in the web console: option (1): Shows a flexible flow for Android in-app updates and a UI with update, remind later, and ignore actions for ZAnalytics in-app updates. option (2): Shows an immediate flow for Android in-app updates and a UI with update and remind later actions. option (3): Shows the ZAnalytics in-app update dialog by default, and the update action depends on the alertType (android/zanalytics). 'reminderDays': The number of days before showing the popup again if the user chooses "Remind Me Later." These days can be configured from the web console. 'forceInDays': A custom store URL to redirect when the user taps "Update/Download." This can also be configured from the web console. 'alertType': The type of the alert - Android in-app updates / ZAnalytics: 0: Apptics Native UI alert 1: Apptics Custom UI alert 2: Android in-app updates 'customStoreUrl': You can redirect this URL to another store. For the Non-Supported OS popup data: 'title': The title of the popup. 'description': The description of the popup. 'continueBtTxt': Button text for the popup. 'alertType' in the Non-Supported OS popup determines the action: 0: Do Nothing 1: Install Later 2: Freeze 'updateid': The ID corresponding to a specific update configuration. 'updateId' -Id corresponds to particular update configuration. The following action methods are available: onClickUpdate, onClickReminder, onClickIgnore, onClickNonSupportAlert and onSendImpressionStatus.


/// option (1): Shows a flexible flow for Android in-app updates and a UI with update, remind later, and ignore actions for ZAnalytics in-app updates.
/// option (2): Shows an immediate flow for Android in-app updates and a UI with update and remind later actions.
/// option (3): Shows the ZAnalytics in-app update dialog by default, and the update action depends on the alertType (android/zanalytics).
/// 'reminderDays': The number of days before showing the popup again if the user chooses "Remind Me Later." These days can be configured from the web console.
/// 'forceInDays': A custom store URL to redirect when the user taps "Update/Download." This can also be configured from the web console.
/// 'alertType': The type of the alert - Android in-app updates / ZAnalytics:
/// 0: Apptics Native UI alert
/// 1: Apptics Custom UI alert
/// 2: Android in-app updates
/// 'customStoreUrl': You can redirect this URL to another store.
/// For the Non-Supported OS popup data:
/// 'title': The title of the popup.
/// 'description': The description of the popup.
/// 'continueBtTxt': Button text for the popup.
/// 'alertType' in the Non-Supported OS popup determines the action:
///  0: Do Nothing
///  1: Install Later
///  2: Freeze
/// 'updateid': The ID corresponding to a specific update configuration.

/// ['updateId'] -Id corresponds to particular update configuration.

/// The following action methods are available: [onClickUpdate], [onClickReminder], [onClickIgnore], [onClickNonSupportAlert] and [onSendImpressionStatus].

Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getInAppUpdateData() {
  return AppticsFlutterPlatform.instance.getInAppUpdateData();