main function
void main() {
// A list of all test cases that are to be verified
const allTestCases = [
["foo", "Aged Brie", "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert", "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros"], // Possible item names
[-1, 0, 5, 6, 10, 11], // Possible "sellIn" values
[-1, 0, 1, 49, 50] // Possible "quality" values
// Verifying all combinations of test cases by passing them to an anonymous function
ApprovalDart.verifyAllCombinations(allTestCases, (combinations) {
// Initializing lists to store actual and expected items
final List<Item> actualItems = [];
final List<Item> expectedItems = [];
// For each combination in combinations
for (var combination in combinations) {
// Extract data from the current combination
String itemName = combination[0];
int sellIn = combination[1];
int quality = combination[2];
// Create an Item object representing the current combination
Item testItem = Item(itemName, sellIn: sellIn, quality: quality);
// Add a copy of the item to actualItems for the "before" state
actualItems.add(Item(itemName, sellIn: sellIn, quality: quality));
// Passing testItem to the application
GildedRose app = GildedRose(items: [testItem]);
// Updating quality of testItem
// Adding the updated item to expectedItems
expectedItems.add(Item(itemName, sellIn: testItem.sellIn, quality: testItem.quality));
// Saving the state of actual and expected items
ApprovalDart.saveCases(actualItems, expectedItems);
// readValues(); (currently commented out)