encodeReflectively static method
static String encodeReflectively(
Object? object, {
bool includeClassName = false,
}) {
if (object == null) {
return 'null';
if (object is List) {
return '[${object.map((item) => encodeReflectively(item)).join(', ')}]';
if (object is Map) {
return '{${object.entries.map((e) => '"${e.key}": ${encodeReflectively(e.value)}').join(', ')}}';
if (object is String) {
return '"${object.replaceAll('"', '\\"')}"';
} else if (object is num || object is bool) {
return object.toString();
// Attempt to convert custom objects to a map
final Map<String, dynamic>? jsonMap = _convertObjectToMap(object);
if (jsonMap == null) {
throw UnsupportedError(
'Cannot serialize object of type ${object.runtimeType}',
final String jsonBody = jsonMap.entries
.map((entry) => '"${entry.key}": ${encodeReflectively(entry.value)}')
.join(', ');
if (includeClassName) {
final String className = object.runtimeType.toString();
final String capitalizedClassName =
return '{"$capitalizedClassName": {$jsonBody}}';
return '{$jsonBody}';