AppLovinMAX class

Represents the AppLovin SDK.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

targetingData TargetingData
The targeting data object for you to provide user or app data that will improve how we target ads.

Static Methods

createBanner(String adUnitId, AdViewPosition position) → void
Creates a banner using your adUnitId at the specified AdViewPosition position.
createMRec(String adUnitId, AdViewPosition position) → void
Creates an MREC using your adUnitId at the specified AdViewPosition position.
destroyBanner(String adUnitId) → void
Cleans up system resources allocated for the banner.
destroyMRec(String adUnitId) → void
Cleans up system resources allocated for the MREC.
getAdaptiveBannerHeightForWidth(double width) Future<double?>
Gets the adaptive banner size for the provided width.
getConsentDialogState() Future<int?>
Returns an integer that encodes the state of the consent dialog.
hasSupportedCmp() Future<bool?>
Returns true if a supported CMP SDK is detected.
hasUserConsent() Future<bool?>
Checks if the user has set a consent flag.
hideBanner(String adUnitId) → void
Hides the banner with the specified adUnitId.
hideMRec(String adUnitId) → void
Hides the MREC with the specified adUnitId.
initialize(String sdkKey) Future<MaxConfiguration?>
Initializes the SDK.
isAgeRestrictedUser() Future<bool?>
Checks if the user is age-restricted.
isAppOpenAdReady(String adUnitId) Future<bool?>
Check if the ad is ready to be shown with the specified adUnitId.
isDoNotSell() Future<bool?>
Returns true if the user has opted out of interest-based advertising.
isInitialized() Future<bool?>
Checks if the SDK has fully been initialized without errors.
isInterstitialReady(String adUnitId) Future<bool?>
Check if the ad is ready to be shown with the specified adUnitId.
isRewardedAdReady(String adUnitId) Future<bool?>
Check if the ad is ready to be shown with the specified adUnitId.
loadAppOpenAd(String adUnitId) → void
Loads an app open ad using your adUnitId.
loadBanner(String adUnitId) → void
Load a new banner ad. NOTE: The createBanner method loads the first banner ad and initiates an automated banner refresh process. You only need to call this method if you pause banner refresh.
loadInterstitial(String adUnitId) → void
Loads an interstitial ad using your adUnitId.
loadMRec(String adUnitId) → void
Load a new MREC ad. NOTE: The createMRec method loads the first MREC ad and initiates an automated MREC refresh process. You only need to call this method if you pause MREC refresh.
loadRewardedAd(String adUnitId) → void
Loads a rewarded ad using your adUnitId.
setAppOpenAdExtraParameter(String adUnitId, String key, String value) → void
Sets an extra parameter to the rewarded ad with the specified adUnitId.
setAppOpenAdListener(AppOpenAdListener listener) → void
Sets a AppOpenAdListener listener with which you can receive notifications about ad events.
setBannerBackgroundColor(String adUnitId, String hexColorCodeString) → void
Sets a background color for the banner with the specified adUnitId.
setBannerExtraParameter(String adUnitId, String key, String value) → void
Sets an extra parameter to the banner with the specified adUnitId.
setBannerListener(AdViewAdListener listener) → void
Sets an AdViewAdListener listener with which you can receive notifications about ad events.
setBannerPlacement(String adUnitId, String placement) → void
Sets an ad placement name for the banner with the specified adUnitId.
setConsentFlowDebugUserGeography(ConsentFlowUserGeography userGeography) → void
Set debug user geography. You may use this to test CMP flow by setting this to ConsentFlowUserGeography.GDPR.
setCreativeDebuggerEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Whether the creative debugger will be displayed on fullscreen ads after flipping the device screen down twice. Defaults to true.
setDoNotSell(bool isDoNotSell) → void
Sets true to indicate that the user has opted out of interest-based advertising.
setExtraParameter(String key, String? value) → void
Sets an extra parameter to pass to the AppLovin server.
setHasUserConsent(bool hasUserConsent) → void
Sets whether or not the user has provided consent for interest-based advertising.
setInitializationAdUnitIds(List adUnitIds) → void
Sets a list of the ad units for the SDK to initialize only those networks. Should be set before initializing the SDK.
setInterstitialExtraParameter(String adUnitId, String key, String value) → void
Sets an extra parameter to the interstitial ad with the specified adUnitId.
setInterstitialListener(InterstitialListener listener) → void
Sets an InterstitialListener listener with which you can receive notifications about ad events.
setIsAgeRestrictedUser(bool isAgeRestrictedUser) → void
Marks the user as age-restricted.
setLocationCollectionEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Whether or not the AppLovin SDK will collect the device location. Defaults to true.
setMRecExtraParameter(String adUnitId, String key, String value) → void
Sets an extra parameter to the MREC with the specified adUnitId.
setMRecListener(AdViewAdListener listener) → void
Sets an AdViewAdListener listener with which you can receive notifications about ad events.
setMRecPlacement(String adUnitId, String placement) → void
Sets an ad placement name for the MREC with the specified adUnitId.
setMuted(bool muted) → void
Sets whether to begin video ads in a muted state or not.
setPrivacyPolicyUrl(String urlString) → void
The URL of your company’s privacy policy, as a string. This is required in order to enable the Terms Flow.
setRewardedAdExtraParameter(String adUnitId, String key, String value) → void
Sets an extra parameter to the rewarded ad with the specified adUnitId.
setRewardedAdListener(RewardedAdListener listener) → void
Sets a RewardedAdListener listener with which you can receive notifications about ad events.
setTermsAndPrivacyPolicyFlowEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Enables the MAX Terms and Privacy Policy Flow.
setTermsOfServiceUrl(String urlString) → void
The URL of your company’s terms of service, as a string. This is optional; you can enable the Terms Flow with or without it.
setTestDeviceAdvertisingIds(List advertisingIdentifiers) → void
Enables devices to receive test ads by passing in the advertising identifier (IDFA or IDFV) of each test device. Refer to AppLovin logs for the IDFA or IDFV of your current device.
setUserId(String userId) → void
Sets the internal user ID for the current user to a string value of your choice.
setVerboseLogging(bool enabled) → void
Enables verbose logging for the SDK.
showAppOpenAd(String adUnitId, {dynamic placement, dynamic customData}) → void
Shows the app open ad with the specified adUnitId.
showBanner(String adUnitId) → void
Shows the banner with the specified adUnitId.
showCmpForExistingUser() Future<MaxCMPError?>
Shows the CMP flow to an existing user. Note that this resets the user’s existing consent information.
showInterstitial(String adUnitId, {dynamic placement, dynamic customData}) → void
Shows the interstitial ad with the specified adUnitId.
showMediationDebugger() → void
Displays the Mediation Debugger.
showMRec(String adUnitId) → void
Shows the MREC with the specified adUnitId.
showRewardedAd(String adUnitId, {dynamic placement, dynamic customData}) → void
Shows the rewarded ad with the specified adUnitId.
startBannerAutoRefresh(String adUnitId) → void
Starts or resumes auto-refreshing of the banner for the specified adUnitId.
startMRecAutoRefresh(String adUnitId) → void
Starts or resumes auto-refreshing of the MREC for the specified adUnitId.
stopBannerAutoRefresh(String adUnitId) → void
Pauses auto-refreshing of the banner for the specified adUnitId.
stopMRecAutoRefresh(String adUnitId) → void
Pauses auto-refreshing of the MREC for the specified adUnitId.
updateBannerPosition(String adUnitId, AdViewPosition position) → void
Updates the banner position with the specified adUnitId.
updateMRecPosition(String adUnitId, AdViewPosition position) → void
Updates the MREC position with the specified adUnitId.


version → const String
The current version of the SDK.