Keyboard class


Keyboard(AsyncRequestClient _client, AppiumWebDriverHandler _handler)


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


hide() Future<void>
Hide shown keyboard
isShown() Future<bool>
Whether the keyboard is shown
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
sendChord(Iterable<String> chordToSend) Future<void>
Simulate pressing many keys at once as a 'chord'.
sendKeys(String keysToSend) Future<void>
Send keysToSend to the active element.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


add → const String
alt → const String
backSpace → const String
cancel → const String
clear → const String
command → const String
control → const String
decimal → const String
delete → const String
divide → const String
down → const String
end → const String
enter → const String
equals → const String
escape → const String
f1 → const String
f2 → const String
f3 → const String
f4 → const String
f5 → const String
f6 → const String
f7 → const String
f8 → const String
f9 → const String
f10 → const String
f11 → const String
f12 → const String
help → const String
home → const String
insert → const String
left → const String
meta → const String
multiply → const String
nullChar → const String
numpad0 → const String
numpad1 → const String
numpad2 → const String
numpad3 → const String
numpad4 → const String
numpad5 → const String
numpad6 → const String
numpad7 → const String
numpad8 → const String
numpad9 → const String
pageDown → const String
pageUp → const String
pause → const String
returnChar → const String
semicolon → const String
separator → const String
shift → const String
space → const String
subtract → const String
tab → const String
up → const String