initAppgainSDKWithSubdomain method

Future initAppgainSDKWithSubdomain({
  1. required String? appId,
  2. required String? appKey,
  3. required String subdomain,

Initializes the Appgain sdk with subdomain

appId and appKey are required can be found in the dashboard subdomain is an optional parameter to allow specifying a subdomain url if it is not passed the dafault appgain subdomain will be used



Future initAppgainSDKWithSubdomain({
  required String? appId,
  required String? appKey,
  required String subdomain,
}) async {
  var data = {
    'appId': appId,
    'apiKey': appKey,
    'configure': true,
    'subdomain': subdomain,
  try {
    await _channel
        .invokeMethod(_initializeAppgainSDKWithSubdomain, data)
        .then((result) {
      logger.d('initAppgainSDK $result');
    return 'Success';
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    return e;