isOutdentable function

bool isOutdentable(
  1. EditorState editorState


bool isOutdentable(EditorState editorState) {
  final selection = editorState.selection;
  if (selection == null || !selection.isSingle) {
    return false;
  final node = editorState.getNodeAtPath(selection.end.path);
  final parent = node?.parent;
  if (node == null ||
      parent == null ||
      !indentableBlockTypes.contains(node.type) ||
      !indentableBlockTypes.contains(parent.type) ||
      node.path.length == 1) {
    //  if the current node is having a path which is of size 1.
    //  for example [0], then that means, it is not indented
    //  thus we ignore this event.
    return false;
  return true;