moveVertical method

Position? moveVertical(
  1. EditorState editorState, {
  2. bool upwards = true,


Position? moveVertical(
  EditorState editorState, {
  bool upwards = true,
}) {
  final node = editorState.document.nodeAtPath(path);
  final nodeRenderBox = node?.renderBox;
  final nodeSelectable = node?.selectable;
  if (node == null || nodeRenderBox == null || nodeSelectable == null) {
    return this;

  final editorSelection = editorState.selection;
  final rects = editorState.selectionRects();
  if (rects.isEmpty || editorSelection == null) {
    return null;

  final Rect caretRect = rects.reduce((current, next) {
    if (editorSelection.isBackward) {
      return current.bottom > next.bottom ? current : next;
    return <= ? current : next;

  // The offset of outermost part of the caret.
  // Either the top if moving upwards, or the bottom if moving downwards.
  final Offset caretOffset = editorSelection.isBackward
      ? upwards
          ? caretRect.topRight
          : caretRect.bottomRight
      : upwards
          ? caretRect.topLeft
          : caretRect.bottomLeft;

  final nodeConfig = editorState.service.rendererService
  if (nodeConfig == null) {
    assert(nodeConfig != null, 'Block Configuration should not be null');
    return this;

  final padding = nodeConfig.padding(node);
  final nodeRect = nodeSelectable.getBlockRect();
  final nodeHeight = nodeRect.height;
  final textHeight = nodeHeight - padding.vertical;
  final caretHeight = caretRect.height;

  // Minimum (acceptable) font size
  // Consider augmenting this value to increase performance.
  const double minFontSize = 1.0;

  // If the current node is not multiline, this will be ~= 0
  // so the loop will be skipped.
  final remainingMultilineHeight = (textHeight - caretHeight);

  // Linearly search for a new position.
  // It's acceptable to use a linear search because the starting point is
  // the most outer part of the caret, so:
  // - If the current node is multine:
  //   - If the caret is NOT in the first/last line: at the first iteration
  //      the cycle a new position (of the previous/next multiline's line)
  //      will be found, practically ignoring the complexity of the cycle.
  //   - If the caret is in the first/last line: this is the worst case
  //      scenario, but only if the padding choosen by the user is very
  //      large. (padding >= (multiline's textHeight - caretHeight) / 3
  //      can start to be considered large. Note that in an average bad case
  //      scenario the position will be found in 10/12 ms instead of 1/2 ms)
  // - If the current node is not multiline: the cycle will be completely
  //   skipped because `remainingMultilineHeight` would be 0.
  Offset newOffset = caretOffset;
  Position? newPosition;
  for (double y = minFontSize;
      y < remainingMultilineHeight + minFontSize;
      y += minFontSize) {
    newOffset = caretOffset.translate(0, upwards ? -y : y);

    newPosition =

    // If a position different from the current one is found, return it.
    if (newPosition != null && newPosition != this) {
      return newPosition;

  // If a new position has not been found, it means that the current node
  // is not multiline (or the caret is in the last line of a multiline and
  // the bottom padding is very large).
  // In this case, we can manually skip to the previous/next node position
  // by translating the new offset by the padding slice to skip.
  // Note that the padding slice to skip can exceed the node's bounds.
  final maxSkip = upwards ? : padding.bottom;

  // Translate the new offset by the padding slice to skip.
  newOffset = newOffset.translate(0, upwards ? -maxSkip : maxSkip);

  // Determine node's global position.
  final nodeHeightOffset = nodeRenderBox.localToGlobal(Offset(0, nodeHeight));

  // Clamp the new offset to the node's bounds.
  newOffset = Offset(
    math.min(newOffset.dy, nodeHeightOffset.dy),

  newPosition =

  if (newPosition != null && newPosition != this) {
    return newPosition;

  // If a new position has not been found, it means that the current node
  // is not visible on the screen. It seems happens only if upwards is true (?)
  // In this case, we can manually get the previous/next node position.
  int offset = editorSelection.end.offset;
  final List<int> nodePath = editorSelection.end.path;
  final List<int> neighbourPath = upwards ? nodePath.previous :;
  if (neighbourPath.isNotEmpty && !neighbourPath.equals(nodePath)) {
    final neighbour = editorState.document.nodeAtPath(neighbourPath);
    final selectable = neighbour?.selectable;
    if (selectable != null) {
      offset = offset.clamp(
      return Position(path: neighbourPath, offset: offset);

  // The cursor is already at the top or bottom of the document.
  return this;