setup static method

Future<void> setup(
  1. String appKey,
  2. bool forceApplyGDPR,
  3. bool forceATT

Setup the AppConsent CMP.

Setup the CMP by calling this function, passing it your appKey. The CMP detects if the app is running on a device that is inside a GDPR country, with forceApplyGDPR you can choose to bypass the check, and let the CMP always behave according to GDPR, if ignored, this defaults to false. On iOS, the ATT checks can be enforced with forceATT, this option is ignored on Android.


static Future<void> setup(
        String appKey, bool forceApplyGDPR, bool forceATT) async =>
    await _channel.invokeMethod("setup", {
      "appKey": appKey,
      "forceApplyGDPR": forceApplyGDPR,
      "forceATT": forceATT