convertVersion function

dynamic convertVersion({
  1. String? version,
  2. String? versionStore,

Convert string of the stores for list number and compare.

  • version local version app.
  • versionStore store version app.


convertVersion({String? version, String? versionStore}) {
  List<String>? localVersion = [];
  List<String>? storeVersion = [];

  /// verify version string contains + char.
  if (version!.contains('+')) {
    localVersion = [version.split('+').last];
    version = version.split('+').first;

  /// add all values of array in localversion array.

  /// verify if exist + char in content version string.
  if (versionStore!.contains('+')) {
    storeVersion = [versionStore.split('+').last];
    versionStore = versionStore.split('+').first;

  /// add all elements of array.

  /// Loop for verify values.
  var maxLength = max(localVersion.length, storeVersion.length);
  for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
    /// if any of the store elements is smaller than a corresponding element of local version we will exit the function with false.
    if (int.parse(storeVersion.getOrDefault(i, '0')) < int.parse(localVersion.getOrDefault(i, '0'))) {
      return false;

    /// if any element of the store version is greater than the corresponding local version, there is an update.
    if (int.parse(storeVersion.getOrDefault(i, '0')) > int.parse(localVersion.getOrDefault(i, '0'))) {
      return true;

  /// default false
  return false;