lifetimeDollarsPurchased property

int? lifetimeDollarsPurchased

A value that indicates the dollar amount of in-app purchases the customer has made in your app, since purchasing the app, across all platforms.

Possible Values: 0 - Lifetime purchase amount is undeclared. 1 - Lifetime purchase amount is 0 USD. 2 - Lifetime purchase amount is between 0.01–49.99 USD. 3 - Lifetime purchase amount is between 50–99.99 USD. 4 - Lifetime purchase amount is between 100–499.99 USD. 5 - Lifetime purchase amount is between 500–999.99 USD. 6 - Lifetime purchase amount is between 1000–1999.99 USD. 7 - Lifetime purchase amount is over 2000 USD.


final int? lifetimeDollarsPurchased;