getMappedExternalFunction<R> method

ASTExternalFunction<R>? getMappedExternalFunction<R>(
  1. String fName, [
  2. ASTFunctionSignature? parametersSignature

Returns an ASTExternalFunction of fName and parametersSignature.

If parent is defined, will also look in the parent context.


ASTExternalFunction<R>? getMappedExternalFunction<R>(String fName,
    [ASTFunctionSignature? parametersSignature]) {
  if (externalFunctionMapper != null) {
    var f = externalFunctionMapper!
        .getMappedFunction(this, fName, parametersSignature);
    if (f != null) return f as ASTExternalFunction<R>;

  if (parent != null) {
    return parent!.getMappedExternalFunction(fName, parametersSignature);

  return null;