This package adds new custom lints to your project. These lints are agreed upon by the appnormal team and used to enforce agreements made in internal architecture meetings.

Available lints

  • dont_import_ui_files_in_data error

Used to indicate that the UI layer and DATA layer cannot interact with eachother. All logic needs to go through the domain layer.

  • dont_import_data_files_in_ui error

Used to indicate that the UI layer and DATA layer cannot interact with eachother. All logic needs to go through the domain layer.

  • only_use_l10n_in_ui_lint warning

Indicates that L10n strings (translations) can only be used in the UI layer

Getting started

Follow these instructions to add apn_lints to a new or existing project

  1. Add these 2 dev dependencies to your pubspec.yaml
  custom_lint: ^0.0.9
  apn_lints: ^0.0.1
  1. Add the custom_lint plugin to your analysis_options.yaml (just below the line that says analyzer:)
  plugins:         <-- add
    - custom_lint  <-- add
  1. Restart analyser (or restart IDE) for the plugin to be loaded correctly