API Parser

License: MIT

A library for parsing responses from api and converting error codes into messages for the user.

API response description

It is assumed that the response will correspond to the following specifications.

Each error from server should be in next format:

  • code: a unique code of an error. Used to identify error from the dictionary.
  • target: some sort of error scope. One of the following options: field - the error related to certain field, common - the error related to whole request.
  • message (OPTIONAL): the error message for developers (use it only for debug purposes)
  • source (OPTIONAL): a container for additional data. Arbitrary structure: ( field: resource object attribute name. Required if target set to field. )


"data": [
       "id": 1,
       "userName": "Tom",
       "age": 21
       "id": 2,
       "userName": "Bob",
       "age": 22
  "errors": [
      "code": "insufficient_funds",
      "target": "common",
      "message": "Hi Nick, it seems that user has empty balance"
      "code": "invalid_punctuation",
      "target": "field",
      "source": "userPassword",
      "message": "Hi Vova, it seems that the password provided is missing a punctuation character"
      "code": "invalid_password_confirmation",
      "target": "field",
      "source": {
        "field": "userPassword",
        "someAdditionalData": "bla bla bla"
      "message": "Hi Lesha, it seems that the password and password confirmation fields do not match"


In server response should be pagination object in the next format:

  • currentPage: current returned page
  • totalPage: total pages amount
  • totlaRecord: total record amount
  • limit: number of items per page


  "data": [
      "id": 1
      "id": 2
  "pagination": {
    "currentPage": 3,
    "totalPage": 10,
    "totalRecord": 92,
    "limit": 10



How it works

The library provides ready-made interfaces for server responses to which the object passed to the parmer must correspond.

To initialize the ErrorParser, you must pass to the constructor:

  • errorMessages: Map<String, E> - the key is the error code and the value of the displayed message
  • defaultErrorMessage: E - message of unknown errors
  • adapters: Map<Type, ErrorMessageAdapter
  • fieldErrorMessages: Map<String, Map<String, E>> - The key is the field name. The value is a table similar to errorMessages.

Api parser description:

  • parse(ApiParserResponse<T> response) - returns ApiParserResponse in the states: success , empty or error
  • getParserResponse(ApiResponse<T> response) - parses the server response object and returns the processed result
  • getErrors(List<ErrorMessage> errors) - returns a list of processed errors
  • getMessageFromCode(String errorCode) - returns the message associated with this error code
  • getMessage(ErrorMessage errorMessage) - returns the processed error
  • getFirstMessage(List<ErrorMessage> errors) - returns the first processed error from the list
  • getFieldMessageFromCode(String field, String errorCode) - returns the first processed error from the list


final apiParser = ApiParser(
  adapters: {
    ErrorMessageEntity: SimpleErrorMessageAdapter(),
  errorMessages: {
  fieldErrorMessages: {
  defaultErrorMessage: Message.DEFAULT,
final ParserResponse<UserEntity> parserResponse = apiParser.getParserResponse(serverResponse);
final ApiParserResponse<UserEntity> apiParserResponse = apiParser.parse(serverResponse); 

switch (apiParserResponse.runtimeType) {
    case  ApiParserEmptyResponse: {
      //do something
    case  ApiParserErrorResponse: {
      //do something
    case  ApiParserSuccessResponse: {
      //do something


ApiParser is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.