ApiBaseRequests is a class that provides methods to make HTTP requests to an API.
First, import the ApiBaseRequests class into your Dart file:
import 'package:moura_mobile/core/configs/api_config.dart';
Creating an instance
Create an instance of ApiBaseRequests:
ApiBaseRequests apiBaseRequests = ApiBaseRequests();
Making GET Requests
You can make GET requests using the get method:
var response = await apiBaseRequests.get('/api/example');
print(response); // Handle the response accordingly
Making POST Requests
You can make POST requests using the post method:
var response = await apiBaseRequests.post('/api/example', data: {'key': 'value'});
print(response); // Handle the response accordingly
Handling Responses
Responses are returned as dynamic objects. You can handle them according to your API's response structure.
** NetworkExceptions is a class that provides methods to handle network exceptions that may occur during API requests.
Importing First, import the NetworkExceptions class into your Dart file:
import 'package:moura_mobile/core/exceptions/network_exceptions.dart';
Handling Dio Exceptions You can handle Dio exceptions using the getDioException method:
try {
// Make API request
} catch (e) {
var networkException = NetworkExceptions.getDioException(e);
print(networkException.message); // Handle the exception accordingly
Handling Other Exceptions
You can handle other exceptions using the getDefaultException method:
try {
// Make API request
} catch (e) {
var networkException = NetworkExceptions.getDefaultException(e);
print(networkException.message); // Handle the exception accordingly