copyWith method
Returns a copy of this FirebaseOptions with the given fields replaced with the new values.
FirebaseOptions copyWith({
String? apiKey,
String? appId,
String? messagingSenderId,
String? projectId,
String? authDomain,
String? databaseURL,
String? storageBucket,
String? measurementId,
String? trackingId,
String? deepLinkURLScheme,
String? androidClientId,
String? iosClientId,
String? iosBundleId,
String? appGroupId,
}) {
return FirebaseOptions(
apiKey: apiKey ?? this.apiKey,
appId: appId ?? this.appId,
messagingSenderId: messagingSenderId ?? this.messagingSenderId,
projectId: projectId ?? this.projectId,
authDomain: authDomain ?? this.authDomain,
databaseURL: databaseURL ?? this.databaseURL,
storageBucket: storageBucket ?? this.storageBucket,
measurementId: measurementId ?? this.measurementId,
trackingId: trackingId ?? this.trackingId,
deepLinkURLScheme: deepLinkURLScheme ?? this.deepLinkURLScheme,
androidClientId: androidClientId ?? this.androidClientId,
iosClientId: iosClientId ?? this.iosClientId,
iosBundleId: iosBundleId ?? this.iosBundleId,
appGroupId: appGroupId ?? this.appGroupId,