get<T> method
Returns the registered dependencies with the signature of T
the optional dependencyName
Throws NotDefinedException
when the requested dependency has not been
registered yet.
Throws CircularDependencyException
when the injector detected a circular
dependency setup.
T get<T>({String dependencyName = ""}) {
final identity = _getIdentity<T>(dependencyName);
final factory = _factoryMap[identity];
if (factory == null) {
throw NotDefinedException(type: T.toString());
final factoryId = factory.hashCode;
final unique = _factoryCallIds.add(factoryId);
if (!unique) {
throw CircularDependencyException(type: T.toString());
try {
final instance = factory.instance as T;
return instance;
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
} catch (e) {
// In case something went wrong, we have to clear the called factory list
// because this will trigger a [CircularDependencyException] the next time
// this factory is called again.