TextExtension extension



copyWith({Key? textKey, StrutStyle? textStrutStyle, TextAlign? textAlign, TextDirection? textDirection, Locale? textLocale, bool? textSoftWrap, TextOverflow? textOverflow, double? textScaleFactor, int? textMaxLines, String? textSemanticsLabel, TextWidthBasis? textWidthBasis, TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior, bool? styleInherit, Color? styleColor, Color? styleBackgroundColor, double? styleFontSize, FontWeight? styleFontWeight, FontStyle? styleFontStyle, double? styleLetterSpacing, double? styleWordSpacing, TextBaseline? styleTextBaseline, double? styleHeight, TextLeadingDistribution? styleLeadingDistribution, Locale? styleLocale, Paint? styleForeground, Paint? styleBackground, List<Shadow>? styleShadows, List<FontFeature>? styleFontFeatures, TextDecoration? styleDecoration, Color? styleDecorationColor, TextDecorationStyle? styleDecorationStyle, double? styleDecorationThickness, String? styleDebugLabel, String? styleFontFamily, List<String>? styleFontFamilyFallback, String? stylePackage, TextOverflow? styleOverflow}) Text
Copy your Text while adding more style like if you use toH1Text Extension then while using copyWith you can also customize it like change color with styleColor In all member of copyWith prefix are indicate where it use for example text represent they are use for Text widget and style are represent they are in TextStyle.