tokenizer method

List<Token> tokenizer(
  1. String input

creates and returns list of tokens from String input


List<Token> tokenizer(String input) {
  List<Token> tokens = [];

  List<String> stringCommentList = [];

  // string and comment should be calculated at the beginning to avoid ambiguous matches later

  RegexCollection.regExpStringOrComment.allMatches(input).forEach((e) {

    input = input.replaceFirst(!, RegexCollection.nullChar);

some properties of a token depends upon the trailing and upcoming token
we can keep track of previous and next token to find out the property

  Token? previousToken, currentToken, nextToken;

  final tokenList = RegexCollection.regExpTokenizer
      .map((e) =>!)

  final listLength = tokenList.length;

  int p = 0,
      currentLineNumber = 1,
      maxLength = '${text.split('\n').length + 1}'.length;

  if (listLength != 0) {
    if (RegexCollection.isNullChar(tokenList[0])) {
      currentToken = getTokenByString(stringCommentList[p]);
    } else {
      currentToken = getTokenByString(tokenList[0]);

  if (listLength > 1) {
    if (RegexCollection.isNullChar(tokenList[1])) {
      nextToken = getTokenByString(stringCommentList[p]);

    } else {
      nextToken = getTokenByString(tokenList[1]);

  if (lineNumbers) {
    tokens.add(Token(_getLineValue(currentLineNumber++, maxLength),
        TokenTypes.lineNumber, false));

  for (int i = 0; i < listLength; ++i) {
    if (currentToken?.type == TokenTypes.identifier) {
      if (previousToken != null &&
          previousToken.value.endsWith('.') &&
          previousToken.isClassContext) {

        currentToken?.type = TokenTypes.staticType;

        currentToken?.isClassContext = true;
      } else {
        if (nextToken != null && nextToken.value.trim().startsWith('(')) {
          // function

          if (previousToken != null && previousToken.value.endsWith('.')) {
            currentToken?.isClassContext = false;

            currentToken?.type = TokenTypes.method;
          } else {
            currentToken?.isClassContext = false;

            currentToken?.type = TokenTypes.function;
        } else {
          // identifier

          if (currentToken != null &&
              RegexCollection.isPrivate(currentToken.value)) {
            currentToken.isClassContext = false;

            currentToken.type = TokenTypes.private;
          } else {
            currentToken?.isClassContext = false;

            currentToken?.type = TokenTypes.identifier;
    } else if (currentToken?.type == TokenTypes.classType) {
      if (nextToken != null && nextToken.value.trim().startsWith('(')) {
        // constructor

        currentToken?.type = TokenTypes.constructor;

        currentToken?.isClassContext = false;
      } else {
        // class

        currentToken?.type = TokenTypes.classType;

        currentToken?.isClassContext = true;
    } else {
      if (currentToken != null &&
          ((currentToken.type == TokenTypes.operator &&
                  currentToken.value.endsWith('.')) ||
              currentToken.type == TokenTypes.separator)) {
        currentToken.isClassContext =
            previousToken == null ? false : previousToken.isClassContext;
      } else {
        currentToken?.isClassContext = false;

    if (currentToken != null &&
        currentToken.value.contains('\n') &&
        lineNumbers) {
      var tkns = <Token>[];
      final splits = currentToken.value.split('\n');
          Token(splits[0], currentToken.type, currentToken.isClassContext));
      for (int i = 1; i < splits.length; ++i) {
        tkns.add(Token('\n${_getLineValue(currentLineNumber++, maxLength)}',
            TokenTypes.lineNumber, false));
            Token(splits[i], currentToken.type, currentToken.isClassContext));
    } else {

    if (currentToken.type != TokenTypes.separator) {
      previousToken = currentToken;

    currentToken = nextToken;

    if (i < (listLength - 2)) {
      if (RegexCollection.isNullChar(tokenList[i + 2])) {
        nextToken = getTokenByString(stringCommentList[p]);

      } else {
        nextToken = getTokenByString(tokenList[i + 2]);
    } else {
      nextToken = null;

  return tokens;