getSymbolicName method

  1. @override
String? getSymbolicName(
  1. int tokenType

Gets the symbolic name associated with a token type. The string returned by this method, when not null, can be used unaltered in a parser grammar to represent this token type.

This method supports token types defined by any of the following methods:

  • Tokens created by lexer rules.
  • Tokens defined in a tokens{} block in a lexer or parser grammar.
  • The implicitly defined [EOF] token, which has the token type {@link Token#EOF}.

The following table shows examples of lexer rules and the literal names assigned to the corresponding token types.

Rule Symbolic Name
{@code THIS : 'this';} [THIS]
{@code SQUOTE : '\'';} [SQUOTE]
{@code ID : [A-Z]+;} [ID]

@param tokenType The token type.

@return The symbolic name associated with the specified token type, or null if no symbolic name is associated with the type.


String? getSymbolicName(int tokenType) {
  if (tokenType >= 0 && tokenType < symbolicNames.length) {
    return symbolicNames[tokenType];

  if (tokenType == Token.EOF) {
    return 'EOF';

  return null;