shouldVisitNextChild method

bool shouldVisitNextChild(
  1. RuleNode node,
  2. T? currentResult

This method is called after visiting each child in {@link #visitChildren}. This method is first called before the first child is visited; at that point currentResult will be the initial value (in the default implementation, the initial value is returned by a call to {@link #defaultResult}. This method is not called after the last child is visited.

The default implementation always returns [true], indicating that [visitChildren] should only return after all children are visited. One reason to override this method is to provide a "short circuit" evaluation option for situations where the result of visiting a single child has the potential to determine the result of the visit operation as a whole.

@param node The RuleNode whose children are currently being visited. @param currentResult The current aggregate result of the children visited to the current point.

@return true to continue visiting children. Otherwise return false to stop visiting children and immediately return the current aggregate result from {@link #visitChildren}.


bool shouldVisitNextChild(RuleNode node, T? currentResult) => true;