AntdIconData class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


accountbook → const IconData
accountbookfill → const IconData
addteam → const IconData
adduser → const IconData
aim → const IconData
alert → const IconData
alertfill → const IconData
alibaba → const IconData
aligncenter → const IconData
alignleft → const IconData
alignright → const IconData
alipay → const IconData
alipaycirclefill → const IconData
alipaysquarefill → const IconData
aliwangwang → const IconData
aliwangwangfill → const IconData
amazon → const IconData
amazoncirclefill → const IconData
amazonsquarefill → const IconData
android → const IconData
androidfill → const IconData
antcloud → const IconData
antdesign → const IconData
apartment → const IconData
api → const IconData
apifill → const IconData
apple → const IconData
applefill → const IconData
appstore → const IconData
appstoreadd → const IconData
appstorefill → const IconData
areachart → const IconData
arrawsalt → const IconData
arrowdown → const IconData
arrowleft → const IconData
arrowright → const IconData
arrowup → const IconData
attachment → const IconData
audio → const IconData
audiofill → const IconData
audiostatic → const IconData
audit → const IconData
backward → const IconData
bank → const IconData
bankfill → const IconData
barchart → const IconData
barcode → const IconData
batchfolding → const IconData
batchfoldingfill → const IconData
behance → const IconData
behancecirclefill → const IconData
behancesquarefill → const IconData
bell → const IconData
bellfill → const IconData
bgcolors → const IconData
block → const IconData
bold → const IconData
book → const IconData
bookfill → const IconData
border → const IconData
borderbottom → const IconData
borderhorizontal → const IconData
borderinner → const IconData
borderleft → const IconData
borderouter → const IconData
borderright → const IconData
bordertop → const IconData
borderverticle → const IconData
boxplot → const IconData
boxplotfill → const IconData
branches → const IconData
bug → const IconData
bugfill → const IconData
build → const IconData
buildfill → const IconData
bulb → const IconData
bulbfill → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calculatorfill → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
calendarcheck → const IconData
calendarcheckfill → const IconData
calendarfill → const IconData
camera → const IconData
camerafill → const IconData
car → const IconData
caretdown → const IconData
caretleft → const IconData
caretright → const IconData
caretup → const IconData
carfill → const IconData
carryout → const IconData
carryoutfill → const IconData
check → const IconData
checkcircle → const IconData
checkcirclefill → const IconData
checksquare → const IconData
checksquarefill → const IconData
chrome → const IconData
chromefill → const IconData
ci → const IconData
cicirclefill → const IconData
clear → const IconData
close → const IconData
closecircle → const IconData
closecirclefill → const IconData
closesquare → const IconData
closesquarefill → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
clouddownload → const IconData
cloudfill → const IconData
cloudserver → const IconData
cloudsync → const IconData
cloudupload → const IconData
cluster → const IconData
code → const IconData
codelibrary → const IconData
codelibraryfill → const IconData
codepen → const IconData
codepencirclefill → const IconData
codepensquarefill → const IconData
codesandbox → const IconData
codesandboxcirclef → const IconData
codesandboxsquaref → const IconData
collapse → const IconData
columheight → const IconData
columnwidth → const IconData
comment → const IconData
compass → const IconData
compassfill → const IconData
compress → const IconData
consolesql → const IconData
contacts → const IconData
contactsfill → const IconData
container → const IconData
containerfill → const IconData
control → const IconData
controlfill → const IconData
copyrightcirclefil → const IconData
creditcard → const IconData
creditcardfill → const IconData
crown → const IconData
crownfill → const IconData
customerservice → const IconData
customerservicefill → const IconData
dash → const IconData
dashboard → const IconData
dashboardfill → const IconData
database → const IconData
databasefill → const IconData
delete → const IconData
deletecolumn → const IconData
deletefill → const IconData
deleterow → const IconData
deleteteam → const IconData
deleteuser → const IconData
deploymentunit → const IconData
desktop → const IconData
detail → const IconData
detailfill → const IconData
diff → const IconData
difffill → const IconData
dingtalk → const IconData
dingtalkcirclefill → const IconData
dingtalksquarefill → const IconData
disconnect → const IconData
dollar → const IconData
dollarcirclefill → const IconData
doubleleft → const IconData
doubleright → const IconData
down → const IconData
downcircle → const IconData
downcirclefill → const IconData
download → const IconData
downsquare → const IconData
downsquarefill → const IconData
drag → const IconData
dribbble → const IconData
dribbblecirclefill → const IconData
dribbblesquarefill → const IconData
dropbox → const IconData
dropboxcirclefill → const IconData
dropboxsquarefill → const IconData
earth → const IconData
edit → const IconData
editfill → const IconData
editsquare → const IconData
ellipsis → const IconData
enter → const IconData
error → const IconData
errorfill → const IconData
euro → const IconData
eurocirclefill → const IconData
exclaimination → const IconData
expand → const IconData
expend → const IconData
experiment → const IconData
experimentfill → const IconData
export → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eyeclose → const IconData
eyeclosefill → const IconData
eyefill → const IconData
facebook → const IconData
facebookfill → const IconData
fall → const IconData
fastbackward → const IconData
fastforward → const IconData
fieldbinary → const IconData
fieldnumber → const IconData
fieldstring → const IconData
fieldtime → const IconData
file → const IconData
fileadd → const IconData
fileaddfill → const IconData
filecopy → const IconData
filecopyfill → const IconData
filedone → const IconData
fileexcel → const IconData
fileexcelfill → const IconData
fileexception → const IconData
fileexclamation → const IconData
fileexclamationfil → const IconData
filefill → const IconData
filegif → const IconData
fileimage → const IconData
fileimagefill → const IconData
filemarkdown → const IconData
filemarkdownfill → const IconData
filepdf → const IconData
filepdffill → const IconData
fileppt → const IconData
filepptfill → const IconData
fileprotect → const IconData
filesearch → const IconData
filesync → const IconData
filetext → const IconData
filetextfill → const IconData
fileunknown → const IconData
fileunknownfill → const IconData
fileword → const IconData
filewordfill → const IconData
filezip → const IconData
filezipfill → const IconData
filter → const IconData
filterfill → const IconData
fire → const IconData
firefill → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flagfill → const IconData
folder → const IconData
folderadd → const IconData
folderaddfill → const IconData
folderfill → const IconData
folderopen → const IconData
folderopenfill → const IconData
folderview → const IconData
fontcolors → const IconData
fontsize → const IconData
fork → const IconData
formatpainter → const IconData
formatpainterfill → const IconData
forward → const IconData
frown → const IconData
frownfill → const IconData
fullscreen → const IconData
fullscreenexit → const IconData
function → const IconData
fund → const IconData
fundfill → const IconData
funnelplot → const IconData
funnelplotfill → const IconData
gateway → const IconData
gif → const IconData
gift → const IconData
giftfill → const IconData
githubfill → const IconData
gitlab → const IconData
gitlabfill → const IconData
gold → const IconData
goldenfill → const IconData
google → const IconData
googlecirclefill → const IconData
googleplus → const IconData
googlepluscirclef → const IconData
googleplussquaref → const IconData
googlesquarefill → const IconData
group → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heartfill → const IconData
heatmap → const IconData
highlight → const IconData
highlightfill → const IconData
home → const IconData
homefill → const IconData
hourglass → const IconData
hourglassfill → const IconData
html5 → const IconData
html5fill → const IconData
idcard → const IconData
idcardfill → const IconData
ie → const IconData
iecirclefill → const IconData
iesquarefill → const IconData
image → const IconData
imagefill → const IconData
import → const IconData
indent → const IconData
index → const IconData
infocircle → const IconData
infocirclefill → const IconData
infomation → const IconData
insertrowabove → const IconData
insertrowbelow → const IconData
insertrowleft → const IconData
insertrowright → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
instagramfill → const IconData
insurance → const IconData
insurancefill → const IconData
interation → const IconData
interationfill → const IconData
issuesclose → const IconData
italic → const IconData
key → const IconData
laptop → const IconData
layout → const IconData
layoutfill → const IconData
left → const IconData
leftcircle → const IconData
leftcirclefill → const IconData
leftsquare → const IconData
leftsquarefill → const IconData
like → const IconData
likefill → const IconData
line → const IconData
linechart → const IconData
lineheight → const IconData
linkedin → const IconData
linkedinfill → const IconData
location → const IconData
locationfill → const IconData
lock → const IconData
lockfill → const IconData
login → const IconData
logout → const IconData
mail → const IconData
mailfill → const IconData
man → const IconData
medicinebox → const IconData
medicineboxfill → const IconData
medium → const IconData
mediumcirclefill → const IconData
mediumsquarefill → const IconData
meh → const IconData
mehfill → const IconData
mergecells → const IconData
message → const IconData
messagefill → const IconData
minus → const IconData
minuscircle → const IconData
minuscirclefill → const IconData
minussquare → const IconData
minussquarefill → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
mobilefill → const IconData
moneycollect → const IconData
moneycollectfill → const IconData
monitor → const IconData
mr → const IconData
notification → const IconData
notificationfill → const IconData
number → const IconData
oneColonOne → const IconData
orderedlist → const IconData
outdent → const IconData
partition → const IconData
pause → const IconData
percentage → const IconData
phone → const IconData
phonefill → const IconData
piccenter → const IconData
picleft → const IconData
picright → const IconData
piechart → const IconData
piechartcirclefil → const IconData
playcircle → const IconData
playcirclefill → const IconData
playsquare → const IconData
playsquarefill → const IconData
plus → const IconData
pluscircle → const IconData
pluscirclefill → const IconData
plussquare → const IconData
plussquarefill → const IconData
pointmap → const IconData
pound → const IconData
poundcirclefill → const IconData
poweroff → const IconData
poweroffcirclefill → const IconData
printer → const IconData
printerfill → const IconData
project → const IconData
projectfill → const IconData
propertysafety → const IconData
propertysafetyfill → const IconData
pushpin → const IconData
pushpinfill → const IconData
qq → const IconData
qqcirclefill → const IconData
qqsquarefill → const IconData
qrcode → const IconData
question → const IconData
questioncircle → const IconData
questioncirclefill → const IconData
radarchart → const IconData
radiusbottomleft → const IconData
radiusbottomright → const IconData
radiussetting → const IconData
radiusupleft → const IconData
radiusupright → const IconData
read → const IconData
readfill → const IconData
reconciliation → const IconData
reconciliationfill → const IconData
reddit → const IconData
redditcirclefill → const IconData
redditsquarefill → const IconData
redenvelope → const IconData
redenvelopefill → const IconData
redo → const IconData
reload → const IconData
reloadtime → const IconData
report → const IconData
rest → const IconData
restfill → const IconData
retweet → const IconData
rightcircle → const IconData
rightcirclefill → const IconData
rightsquare → const IconData
rightsquarefill → const IconData
rise → const IconData
robot → const IconData
robotfill → const IconData
rocket → const IconData
rocketfill → const IconData
rollback → const IconData
rotateleft → const IconData
rotateright → const IconData
safetycertificate → const IconData
safetycertificatef → const IconData
save → const IconData
savefill → const IconData
scan → const IconData
scissor → const IconData
securityscan → const IconData
securityscanfill → const IconData
select → const IconData
send → const IconData
setting → const IconData
settingfill → const IconData
sever → const IconData
severfill → const IconData
shake → const IconData
share → const IconData
shop → const IconData
shopfill → const IconData
shopping → const IconData
shoppingfill → const IconData
shortcut → const IconData
shortcutfill → const IconData
shrink → const IconData
signalfill → const IconData
sisternode → const IconData
sketch → const IconData
sketchcirclefill → const IconData
sketchsquarefill → const IconData
skin → const IconData
skinfill → const IconData
skype → const IconData
skypefill → const IconData
slack → const IconData
slackcirclefill → const IconData
slacksquarefill → const IconData
sliders → const IconData
slidersfill → const IconData
smalldash → const IconData
smile → const IconData
smilefill → const IconData
snippets → const IconData
snippetsfill → const IconData
solitcells → const IconData
solution → const IconData
sortascending → const IconData
sortdescending → const IconData
sound → const IconData
soundfill → const IconData
star → const IconData
starfill → const IconData
stepbackward → const IconData
stepforward → const IconData
stock → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stopfill → const IconData
storedprocedure → const IconData
strikethrough → const IconData
subnode → const IconData
swap → const IconData
swapleft → const IconData
swapright → const IconData
switchuser → const IconData
sync → const IconData
table → const IconData
tableOut → const IconData
tablet → const IconData
tabletfill → const IconData
tag → const IconData
tagfill → const IconData
tags → const IconData
tagsfill → const IconData
taobao → const IconData
taobaocirclefill → const IconData
taobaosquarefill → const IconData
team → const IconData
thunderbolt → const IconData
thunderboltfill → const IconData
timecircle → const IconData
timecirclefill → const IconData
timeout → const IconData
totop → const IconData
trademark → const IconData
trademarkcirclefil → const IconData
transaction → const IconData
translate → const IconData
trophy → const IconData
trophyfill → const IconData
twitter → const IconData
twittercirclefill → const IconData
twittersquarefill → const IconData
underline → const IconData
undo → const IconData
ungroup → const IconData
unlike → const IconData
unlikefill → const IconData
unlock → const IconData
unlockfill → const IconData
unorderedlist → const IconData
up → const IconData
upcircle → const IconData
upcirclefill → const IconData
upload → const IconData
upsquare → const IconData
upsquarefill → const IconData
usb → const IconData
usbfill → const IconData
user → const IconData
verified → const IconData
verticalalignbotto → const IconData
verticalalignmiddl → const IconData
verticalaligntop → const IconData
verticalleft → const IconData
verticalright → const IconData
video → const IconData
videocameraadd → const IconData
videofill → const IconData
view → const IconData
wallet → const IconData
walletfill → const IconData
warningcircle → const IconData
warningcirclefill → const IconData
wechatfill → const IconData
weibo → const IconData
weibocirclefill → const IconData
weibosquarefill → const IconData
whatsapp → const IconData
wifi → const IconData
windows → const IconData
windowsfill → const IconData
woman → const IconData
wrench → const IconData
wrenchfill → const IconData
yahoo → const IconData
yahoofill → const IconData
youtube → const IconData
youtubefill → const IconData
yuan → const IconData
yuancirclefill → const IconData
yuque → const IconData
yuquefill → const IconData
zhihu → const IconData
zhihucirclefill → const IconData
zhihusquarefill → const IconData
zoomin → const IconData
zoomout → const IconData