AnotherStepper constructor

const AnotherStepper({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required List<StepperData> stepperList,
  3. double verticalGap = 40,
  4. int activeIndex = 0,
  5. required Axis stepperDirection,
  6. bool inverted = false,
  7. Color activeBarColor =,
  8. Color inActiveBarColor = Colors.grey,
  9. double barThickness = 2,
  10. ScrollPhysics? scrollPhysics,
  11. double iconHeight = 20,
  12. double iconWidth = 20,

Another stepper is a package, which helps build customizable and easy to manage steppers.

The package can be used to build horizontal as well as vertical steppers just by providing Axis in the stepperDirection parameter.


const AnotherStepper({
  Key? key,
  required this.stepperList,
  this.verticalGap = 40,
  this.activeIndex = 0,
  required this.stepperDirection,
  this.inverted = false,
  this.activeBarColor =,
  this.inActiveBarColor = Colors.grey,
  this.barThickness = 2,
  this.iconHeight = 20,
  this.iconWidth = 20,
})  : assert(verticalGap >= 0),
      super(key: key);