searchLoyalty method

Future<LoyaltyResponse> searchLoyalty({
  1. required SearchLoyaltyRequest request,
  2. String? authToken,

Searches for loyalty accounts in a loyalty program.

You can search for a loyalty account using the phone number or customer ID associated with the account. To return all loyalty accounts, specify an empty query object or omit it entirely.


Future<LoyaltyResponse> searchLoyalty({
  required SearchLoyaltyRequest request,
  String? authToken,
}) async {

  authToken ??= authenticationService.getCachedToken()?.accessToken;

  Map<String, String> headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer ${authToken ?? ""}",
    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
    'Accept': 'application/json',


  Uri endpoint = Uri.https(
      baseUrl, "/v2/loyalty/accounts/search");

  //print (endpoint.toString());

  var response = await, body: jsonEncode(request.toJson()), headers: headers);

  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
    print (jsonDecode(response.body));
    return LoyaltyResponse.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
  else {
    print (response.body);
    throw LoyaltyException(statusCode: response.statusCode, message: LoyaltyResponse.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)).errors?[0].detail?.toString());