flushbar library
T> - A highly customizable widget so you can notify your user when you fell like he needs a beautiful explanation.
- FlushbarDismissDirection
- Indicates the direction in which it is possible to dismiss If vertical, dismiss up will be allowed if FlushbarPosition.TOP If vertical, dismiss down will be allowed if FlushbarPosition.BOTTOM
- FlushbarPosition
- Indicates if flushbar is going to start at the TOP or at the BOTTOM
- FlushbarStatus
- Indicates the animation status FlushbarStatus.SHOWING Flushbar has stopped and the user can see it FlushbarStatus.DISMISSED Flushbar has finished its mission and returned any pending values FlushbarStatus.IS_APPEARING Flushbar is moving towards FlushbarStatus.SHOWING FlushbarStatus.IS_HIDING Flushbar is moving towards [] FlushbarStatus.DISMISSED
- FlushbarStyle
- Indicates if flushbar will be attached to the edge of the screen or not
- FLUSHBAR_ROUTE_NAME → const String
- FlushbarStatusCallback = void Function(FlushbarStatus? status)
- OnTap = void Function(Flushbar flushbar)