onEnter method

  1. @override
Future<void> onEnter({
  1. required FsmOwner owner,

Called when transitioning into the state.


Future<void> onEnter({required FsmOwner owner}) async {
  BleDeviceOwner deviceOwner = owner as BleDeviceOwner;
  debugPrintSynchronously("OnEnter: BleConfigureState ${deviceOwner.device.getId()}");

  deviceOwner._notifyState(state: BleSetupState.configuring);

  // Grab configuration step
  List<IBleInitCommand> initCommands = deviceOwner.getInitCommands();
  for (IBleInitCommand command in initCommands) {
    // Execute configuration step
    try {
      await command.execute(device: deviceOwner.device);
    on Exception {
      // Todo Handle error.
    on Error {
      // Handle error
  // If no more configuration steps available go to ready state.
      event: BleDeviceConfigurationCompleteEvent(device: deviceOwner.device));