annotatedDeclarations function

List<AnnotatedDeclaration> annotatedDeclarations(
  1. Type annotation, {
  2. Type? on,
  3. bool recursive = false,

Returns a List of declarations that have given annotation.

If on is null, finds declarations at the top level of any library in the current MirrorSystem, otherwise finds declarations (variables, properties, methods and constructors) declared on on.

If recursive is true and on is provided, superclasses, annotated methods defined on superclasses and interfaces will be included.

If an abstract method is annotated on both a class and on the implementing class, then only the overridden method is included.

eg. given the annotations

class Foo { const Foo(); }

class Bar {
  final String name;
  const Bar(;


@Bar('Bar Name')
class Clazz {
  myMethod() {}


final annotatedDeclaration = annotatedDeclarations(Bar).single;

is an AnnotatedDeclaration with AnnotatedDeclaration.declaration being a ClassMirror on Clazz and AnnotatedDeclaration.annotation set to const Bar('Bar Name').

Top level vs scoped declarations

// A MethodMirror on the top level method `bar`

// A MethodMirror on `Clazz.myMethod`.
annotatedDeclarations(Foo, on: Clazz).single.declaration;


List<AnnotatedDeclaration> annotatedDeclarations(Type annotation,
    {Type? on, bool recursive = false}) {
  final annotationMirror = reflectClass(annotation);
  return UnmodifiableListView(on == null
      ? _topLevelAnnotatedDeclarations(annotationMirror)
      : _findDeclarationsOn(reflectClass(on), annotationMirror,
          recursive: recursive));