Customizable animated switch widget for flutter apps
Custom Switch button made to allow you to customize colors, icons, and off/on text.
Manage the widget states in the same way you do with the classical material's switch widget.
Quick Start
Import this library into your project:
animated_switch: ^latest_version
Or do:
$ flutter pub add animated_switch
Basic Implementation
Using the callback
onChanged: (bool state) {
print('turned ${(state) ? 'on' : 'off'}');
More possibilities
Change colors
AnimatedSwitch( ... colorOn:, colorOff: Colors.grey, indicatorColor: Colors.limeAccent, )
Change icons
AnimatedSwitch( ... iconOff: Icons.lock_open, iconOn: Icons.lock, )
Create custom text indicators
AnimatedSwitch( ... textOn: "On", textOff: "Off", textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20), )