Draws Animated Curved and Straight Lines between two points.



Creating a Curved Line

var curvedLine = LineInfo(  
  source: Offset.zero,  
  destination: const Offset(100, 100),  
  backgroundLineColor: Colors.black,  
  progressLineColor: Colors.lightGreen,  
  lineStyle: LineStyle.curved(),  
  strokeStyle: StrokeStyle.dashed(),  
  animationCount: 4,  

Creating a Straight Line

var straightLine = LineInfo(  
  source: Offset.zero,  
  destination: const Offset(100, 100),  
  backgroundLineColor: Colors.black,  
  progressLineColor: Colors.lightGreen,  
  lineStyle: LineStyle.straight(),  
  strokeStyle: StrokeStyle.dashed(),  
  animationCount: 4,  

Dashed stroke can be achieved by configuring the strokeStyle as

var strokeStyle = StrokeStyle.dashed(gapLength: 5,dashLength: 5);

gapLength and dashLength are both optional

Plain stroke can be achieved by configuring the strokeStyle as

var strokeStyle = StrokeStyle.plain();

Straight Line can be achieved by configuring the lineStyle as

var lineStyle = LineStyle.straight();

Curved Line can be achieved by configuring the lineStyle as

var strokeStyle = LineStyle.curved(radius: 100,isClockwise: true);

radius and isClockwise are both optional

Animating progress


providing animationCount < 0 while creating line object denotes animation to continue indefinitely.

Stopping animation


Resetting animation


Listening to animation end

line.onAnimationComplete = () {  
  //TODO: Execute Code On animation end  

Properties of LineInfo Object can be updated as

   source: const Offset(2, 5),
   backgroundLineColor: Colors.blue,
   progress: 0.2,

