lerpDoubleAllowInfinity function

double? lerpDoubleAllowInfinity(
  1. double? a,
  2. double? b,
  3. double t

Lerps double list based on t value, allows double.infinity.


double? lerpDoubleAllowInfinity(double? a, double? b, double t) {
  if (a == b || (a?.isNaN == true) && (b?.isNaN == true)) {
    return a;

  if (a!.isInfinite || b!.isInfinite) {
    return b;
  assert(a.isFinite, 'Cannot interpolate between finite and non-finite values');
  assert(b.isFinite, 'Cannot interpolate between finite and non-finite values');
  assert(t.isFinite, 't must be finite when interpolating between values');
  return a * (1.0 - t) + b * t;