Countdown text with animation.




  • Auto calculate time pass.
  • Build-in animations and custom animation builder.
  • support reverse countDown.

Basic Usage:

               dateTime: DateTime(2020, 7, 16, 5, 13, 10),// Must provide
              format: (duration)=>DurationFormat(day:duration.inDays),
              characterTextStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 16),
              animationType: AnimationType.bounceIn,
              reverse: true,

All parameters:

Param Desc
DateTime? dateTime Compared DateTime, must provide.
FormatDuration format Transform duration to human-readable format, (Duration)=>FormatDuration
AnimationType animationType Build-in animation type, will ignore this if animationBuilder is provided
TextStyle characterTextStyle Character TextStyle
TextStyle suffixTextStyle Suffix TextStyle
Duration interval Interval to refresh view, default to 1 second
bool reverse Direction, default to false. Set it to true if you want to count reverse
Duration? expireDuration The max duration that should mark countdown as done, If not null, format will return this as duration params when timeUp. Default to
Duration? reverseExpireDuration The max duration that should mark reverse countdown as done,
If not null, format will return this as duration when timeUp. Default to null.
VoidCallback? onDone Callback when timeUp. Only work when expireDuration is not null.
EdgeInsets characterPadding Padding of characters, including character and suffix
AnimationBuilder? animationBuilder Custom animation builder.